Nintendo Life eShop Selects & Readers’ Choice (March 2024)

Feature: Nintendo Life eShop Selects & Readers' Choice (March 2024) 1
Image: Nintendo Life

Spring has arrived, bringing the latest edition of eShop Selects.

This time, we’re showcasing the top hidden gems voted on by Nintendo Life staff, along with a separate poll for the Reader’s Choice for March’s eShop releases. The winning game is revealed at the end of the article.

We’ve been experimenting with the Readers’ Choice feature for a few months now, and for April’s eShop Selects, we’ll be changing the release schedule for the Readers’ Choice vote. Instead of sharing the poll beforehand, we’ll include it in the eShop Selects post.

Now, let’s dive into the action!

Honourable Mentions

Despite it being a “quieter” month, we had plenty of reviews to choose from. We included games with ratings of 7/10 or higher in the staff poll this time. Here are the titles that didn’t make the top three.

Nintendo Life’s Honourable Mentions

Berserk Boy combines speed similar to Sonic and transformations like Mega Man in a retro 2D platformer that is both fun and replayable. With a charming 16-bit aesthetic, the game blends traditional SNES platforming with Metroidvania elements. Released at the start of March, Berserk Boy received an 8/10 rating in our review and comes highly recommended.

Llamasoft: The Jeff Minter Story is the second game in Digital Eclipse’s Gold Master Series, offering an informative and engaging compilation about a unique figure in the gaming industry. This interactive documentary allows players to experience the games and learn about the game developer behind them. Playing through Minter’s game development journey is a delight, and we gave Llamasoft a 9/10 rating in our review. Truly a gold-star experience.

Fans of Drill Dozer, listen up — Pepper Grinder is a spiritual successor that oozes charm, color, and personality. This unique platformer features fantastic level design and mechanics where you play as a pirate exploring the world with a drill. If this concept excites you, head to the eShop and try out the demo. Pepper Grinder strikes gold with its gameplay, earning a 9/10 rating in our review. It’s a deserving winner in our staff eShop Selects poll this month.

eShop Selects Reader’s Choice Winner (March 2024)

Winner: Death Trick: Double Blind

This month, many games received votes, but the clear winner of the Readers’ Choice poll is Death Trick: Double Blind. Garnering 17% of the votes, this game, featured in an Indie World Showcase last year, challenges players to solve a mystery at the circus by swapping between two perspectives.

Several other games tied for second place, including a few re-releases, but two standout hits on Steam caught the attention of readers.

Reader’s Honourable Mentions

< Nintendo eShop Selects – February 2024

How we decide our eShop Selects top three: At the end of each month, the Nintendo Life staff vote for their favorite titles from a list selected by the editorial team. To be considered, these games must have been released digitally on the Nintendo Switch eShop that month and must have been reviewed by Nintendo Life. Staff members vote for three games to determine the top three choices, with points allocated for each vote. The game with the highest total points is crowned the winner for that month.

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